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American Horror Story

AHS Cult S07xE06 | Midwestern Assassin

    In the wake of what appears to another tragic and senseless mass shooting, certain scenes within this week’s episode that contained graphic gun violence were altered for cable television in order to honor the victims. During this announcement, which Murphy made last week, it was also mentioned that the unaltered episode would be released on VOD and streaming platforms the following day. In order to get a fuller scope of the season and the satire they’ve attempted by including these scenes, this recap will cover the unedited episode. Whether you’re here for a quick refresher or you haven’t seen the episode at all, please understand that the aforementioned scenes that were taken out do not affect the plot substantially. Without further preface, let’s jump into what went down this week on American Horror Story: Cult.

Midwestern Assassin

Writer: Todd Kubrak | Director: Bradley Buecker

   Whilst an American flag waves freely in the air, we hear Kai campaigning for his spot in the city councilman, which will ultimately be a stepping stone for his world domination. As a crowd incessantly chants, “We are the wall!”, we hear a gun being cocked and shots firing, as peril begins to rise. In the midst of all of this, Ivy is simply trying not to die and Harrison is by her side, even saving her from a flying bullet at one point. We see countless civilians die at the helm of whoever is controlling this weapon. Although American Horror Story is no stranger in the slightest to violence and gore, this sequence is incredibly hard to watch due to its realistic properties. This isn’t Queenie using herself as a human voodoo doll or Elsa Mars being murdered by ghosts, this is something that we experience every time we turn on our televisions.

    A minor detail I noticed is that when they included the close-up shots of a hand shooting the gun, we see a manicured hand. This may seem completely irrelevant to you as of right now, but I promise this observation serves a purpose. As the SWAT team arrives and tells the shooter to put the gun down, we see Ally clasping a gun in her completely unmanicured hands. This let me know ahead of time that Ally couldn’t have been the shooter, although with her history of irresponsible gun use, this notion is completely plausible. The camera pans and zooms in on an unconscious Kai lying on the stage…

Our episode resumes in a familiar scene featuring Meadow banging on Ally’s windows and divulging to her all the information about Kai’s cult. While I thought Ally left Meadow for dead, we see that there is way more to the story than AHS notoriously presents to us. After Ally hangs up on her wife whose secret has just been exposed to her, Dr. Vincent starts to call. Hesitantly, Ally answers and Rudy is reaching out to her because Ivy was concerned about her. Ally proceeds to tell him that she believes Ivy is involved in something conspicuous, and because it’s Ally saying it, Dr. Vincent just tells her that she’s being grandiose and her unfounded beliefs threaten everyone in her life. After agreeing to relax, Ally runs across the street with a knife and comes to rescue Meadow. Honestly, hallelujah! I thought Ally’s petty grudge was going to get in the way of her saving Meadow, but she finally came to her senses. I mean, the main reason Ally is even saving Meadow is to obtain information on this “cult”, so it’s purely self-serving. Regardless, it still keeps Meadow alive, so I’m here for it! Ally climbs in through one of the Wilton’s windows and heads to the garage to save Meadow. Jack Samuels and Harrison are um...busy with other matters, so they don’t even notice when she sneaks past them.

    Ally heroically cuts Meadow loose, but as she’s grabbing her purse, she makes a bunch of noise which causes Jack and Harrison to lose their shit. As Ally and Meadow run out the garage door, he kicks the entry door in and chases after them. Harrison almost stops them but they spray pepper spray in his eyes like the bad bitches they are and are able to just barely escape to their safe haven, The Butchery on Main. Once there, Meadow asks if she can have a cappuccino in a strangely optimistic way. I just love her...that line was golden. The two of them discuss possible plans of action, including even leaving the state. Ally is quick to dismiss this idea, however, because she has a need to be with Oz.

    You’d think that because she gets her allocations shut down so frequently that Ally would understand and believe Meadow when she says something as bogus as Ivy being in a cult. Conversely, Ally calls bullshit on everything Meadow says, which forces her to go to great lengths to prove that the cult is real. She brings up a heart-wrenching moment for all of us, Mr. Guinea’s death, and how Ivy was texting her before they arrived at home and left doors open in order to orchestrate their plan to the hilt. Also, the chemical trucks were just spraying water and they were the ones who killed all the dead birds and even spread them out around town.

   When confused about Ivy’s motives, Meadow bluntly tells Ally that the whole goal of all of this was for Ivy to make Ally crazy. Although we don’t know the full backstory about Ivy, we do know that Ivy’s pissed off about Ally voting for Jill Stein. Aren’t we all? Ally still doesn’t believe that Ivy would join a cult, because she hates organized religion of any type. Meadow, who by now is sick of explanations, tells Ally that because Ivy’s beliefs weren’t tied up or committed to anything, her devotion to Kai is wholehearted. Everything that Meadow has mentioned involving their wicked pranks and Ally’s mental state deteriorating serves a purpose that supersedes everything else, which is Kai’s takeover. While watching Beverly’s coverage of the race for city councilman Ally quickly recognizes Kai as the man who stopped all those protesters a few episodes back. Meadow explains that it’s because Kai paid them, and Ally thinks that they’re in the cult too. Meadow’s just like, “Bitch, you can’t just join! It’s not the damn AARP!” Yet another perfect line from Meadow...she’s always hilarious to me. Meadow stresses the importance of Kai picking you to join the cult and reminisces on her own experiences with Kai.

   We are now transported to December of 2016. Meadow explains that although she’s loved Harrison since she was ten, she never truly understood what love was until she met Kai. When Meadow is designing the masks for her fellow cult members, he tells her that a larva bee has to shed her skin to become the queen, and that she is impressive. She mentions to Ally that she built up a wall of Drag Races and Housewives to alleviate herself from the real world. Meadow always felt that she didn’t live up to the expectations of other women her age, but Kai set her free from all of that. When Meadow killed Councilman Chang, Kai kissed her and told her how proud he was.

   A few weeks later, this feeling quickly was replaced by anger once Meadow overheard Kai spewing the same queen bee line to Ivy. Meadow, realizing that Kai is a master in the art of seduction and is ultimately full of shit, decides to leave the cult. Harrison and Jack prevent her from leaving. Kai tells them it’s time to call the cops because something horrible has happened to Meadow. While tying her up, Kai says that she’s worthless, she doesn’t exist, and that she’s nothing…” While this flashback is over for the time being, we will come back to it at the end of the episode, so stay tuned.

   Coming back to present day, Ally suggests that if the police in Brookfield Heights refuse to listen to them, they can try elsewhere. Meadow brings up the valid point that all of this sounds too crazy to be true. Nobody will listen, so the only way to stop this madness is to kill Kai. Oh my gosh!

   It’s now April 3rd, 2017, the day of the city council debate. We see Kai delivering his spiel in the same seductive and alluring way he always does. He tells his fellow Americans that now is the time to be scared and that the government will not protect us when everything starts to go down. We see the familiar face of Mare Winningham stand up and call bullshit on everything that Kai just said.

   We are introduced to Sally Keffler, who heavily disputes Kai very publicly. I understand that she was just trying to speak her mind, but generally anyone who crosses Kai has a very short expiration date. Sally brings up the point that overall crime is down historically, and that they need to focus on finding who is responsible for these killings. Oh, sweetie. If you only knew. She calls Kai a reactionary rather than a conservative, noting that he uses fear to remind people of a time that never was. Sally tells the audience that people like Mr. Anderson and Trump aren’t garbage. They’re the flies that swarm to the garbage. After slaying and dragging him, she announces her candidacy for City Council.  Kai tries to explain to her that the due dates have passed, but she says she’ll talk to somebody about being a write-in candidate. As much as I love Mare Winningham, I don’t see things ending well for her.


    Wow, this episode has a lot of flashbacks. It’s now the day after the election, and we are witnessing the aftermath of Ivy and Winter’s kidnapping. Ivy is now at the Anderson household, cleverly decorated with adjacent Hillary and Trump signs in the front yard that represent Kai and Winter’s respective parties. Ivy is horrified that Gary would actually cut his arm off to vote, and is afraid that they will go to jail. Winter says not to fret, that her brother can get them out of anything. After arriving to Kai’s dungeon-like basement, he asks for some alone time with Ivy. They sit down and have a “pinky meeting”. While initially hesitant, Ivy submits to Kai’s request after he threatens to tell Gary who kidnapped him.

    When asked what fills her heart with dread? Ivy says that the thought of laying in bed next to her wife does. We are finally introduced to some backstory and motives for Ivy joining the cult and terrorizing Ally. Ivy says that she started to detest Ally right when Oz was born. Although we’ve been led to believe that Ivy is Oz’s mother, it turns out that Ally actually carried Oz because of Ivy’s endometriosis. According to Ivy, Ally never let her forget that she is Oz’s mom, even going as far as to use terms like “my baby”. Ivy also hates Ally’s entitle phobias at the fact that she voted for Jill fucking Stein.

   Kai says that all he sees in front of him is a carcass devoid of happiness, but he believes that Winter could make Ivy happy. Ivy agrees, but only if Oz can come along. Ozzy is the only real reason Ivy is staying in her relationship, and she would never get full custody if she just up and left. Kai asks if she’s ever thought about murder, but Ivy said it would be too traumatic for Oz. Kai ensures her that no court will ever grant Ally custody. Oh, boy.

    Back in the present day, Ally brings Meadow into Rudy’s office and wants him to babysit her. She also wants to use Meadow to prove to Dr. Vincent that she’s not actually crazy. While Sally is browsing Facebook, she hears a frantic and relentless knocking on her door. It turns out to be Ally explaining that it’s urgent and that she’s not crazy, but what finally grants her access is the fact that she owns The Butchery on Main.

    Ally explains to Sally that there is a cult and Kai is responsible for all of the murders and scandal that’s occurring around town. Ally also mentions that Meadow is a reliable source of information, just in case Sally wouldn’t believe her. Sally is acting shockingly cavalier about all of this new information, replying that nothing shocks her because she went to Berkley. Suddenly, the infamous cult breaks into her house, led by Ivy and Harrison.


   Ally’s flight or fight response kicks in...I bet you can guess which one she chooses. We see a new harrowing mask appear, and it’s Gary. Sally is in the corner, pointing a gun at the cult and threatening someone to make a move. Jack bursts in her door and takes her weapon. Once on the ground, Kai takes off his mask and looms over her.

   Kai notices that Sally Keffler is an avid user of Facebook, and uses this opportunity to write a nicely crafted suicide note on her behalf. After they shoot her, Ally screams from the bathroom she’s barricaded herself in. Ivy goes to investigate with her haunting elephant/donkey mask to represent the two political parties. Ally recognizes Ivy despite the fact that she was wearing a mask, and thankfully Ivy doesn’t hurt Ally.

    When returning back to Dr. Vincent’s office, he informs her that Meadow just randomly left and that she didn’t say anything at all. From her perspective, we can see that Meadow received a call from Kai, which is why she left. Ally is desperately trying to explain all the latest cult drama to Dr. Vincent, but he honestly doesn’t believe her. He once again recommends that she should check herself into a inpatient facility. She walks out and mutters, “Fuck you.” I must say, Ally can be a boss bitch when she wants to.

    We are now taken to the day of the shooting at Kai’s rally. He brings up Sally’s suicide, saying that would never desert his followers like she did. From afar, Ally watches Meadow start to take out a gun and shoot a bunch of people, including Kai.

  Ally tries to stop her, but before she can, Meadow decides to kill herself. Rest in peace, sweet Meadow. I absolutely love Leslie Grossman. If she doesn’t return for Season 8 of AHS, I’m going to be real upset. Because Meadow ate a bullet, the gun is left in Ally’s hands, just in time for the SWAT team to arrest her.

    The flashback I was talking about with Meadow and Kai that wasn’t over yet concludes. All those harsh words that Kai was saying to her turned out to be a compliment, as he says that she’s nothing in the eyes of the world, but she’s everything to him. He begins to seduce her while giving her a speech. He explains that she’s the only one who truly sees him and who can elevate him to the national stage. His assassination was premeditated all along, as he tells Meadow to shoot him in order for him to gain popularity. Kai is a sly mofo...I absolutely adore his character and Evan Peters. Kai mentions that we are a Christian country, and that everyone loves a resurrection. He unties Meadow and tells her to divulge to Ally all of the details of the cult. When the truth comes out of her mouth, it’s able to hide in plain sight. Ally doesn’t stick up for herself and explain to the police what’s going on with the cult. We pan over to Ivy being interviewed and Kai being carried away on a stretcher. His eyes open and he smiles widely and grimly.


    This episode was just incredible. I loved so many aspects of it and love seeing Kai seduce everyone and bring them closer to his cause. Evan Peters has always been a great actor and quintessential part of American Horror Story, but his role in this season has proven to be amazing. If he doesn’t receive some sort of Emmy nomination next year, I’m going to be pissed.

   I’m going to miss Meadow so much! Leslie Grossman was a hilarious addition to Cult, and although she’s only been in AHS realm for one season, it’s hard to imagine another season without her. At least we still have Billy Eichner to deliver some laughs through Harrison, though. I am so excited to see which direction this season will take in its five remaining episodes. The anti-gun statement that was made in this episode, while hard to stomach, was an incredibly important and relevant one. All in all, another great episode in what’s turning out to be an astonishing season.

Thanks for reading,

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Jonah Raleigh

Though much too modest to admit it himself, Jonah is perhaps the world's preeminent AHS expert. He loves talking film & television, building his fledgling vinyl and Blu-Ray collection, & having far too many coffee drinks. Jonah can often be found binge watching shows with his handsome one-eyed ocicat, Irving.

AHS Cult S07xE05 | Holes

     I have to admit that after the first episode of Cult, I wasn’t entirely sold on the concept. The season premiere simply didn’t measure up to its predecessors, as it didn’t have the constant polarizing effect AHS tends to have on me. I am happy to say that, this season has completely proved my initial doubts and reservations wrong. Cult has brought laughs, genuine scares, and rich plot development that thickens and strengthens through each episode. I went into this episode with excitement and high standards that “Holes” will continue to deliver the great quality this season has presented thus far. 


Writer: Crystal Liu | Director: Maggie Kiley

     Our episode begins with news coverage from the delightfully dark Beverly Hope, discussing the major events that have occurred in Brookfield Heights throughout the season. Beverly speculates that there is a serial killer in their midst, as she discusses the recent and ever so tragic disappearance of Meadow Wilton. We are now in Bob’s office where he and Bev are going over this footage. Bob brings up an inquiry about how she is always the first one to the scene. Oh, Bob. You unsuspecting scumbag. If you only knew. In accordance with his typical douchebaggery, Bob criticizes Beverly for reporting “fake news”. Beverly counters this inaccurate insult by bringing up a point that she has a need to inform the public about current events/issues. She begs him to air the tape of Serena being brutally murdered by the clowns, but Serena’s parents are already threatening to sue the news that’s not happening anytime soon. Bob fires Beverly, but she threatens to expose his sexual harassment of Serena. He tells her to GTFO of his office, and she walks away whilst hatching a plan in her brain. 

    We move to a large “group” of people conducting a meeting, including Kai, Winter, Gary, Detective Samuels, Beverly, and RJ. Winter is discussing how low voter awareness is and how they intend to raise it in order to elect Kai as a city councilman. RJ questions the importance of all of this, and Kai bitchslaps him to the ground whilst lecturing about how he wants to ensue fear amongst citizens in order for them to flock to him. To accomplish this, the cult agrees that the murders have to be scarier. While discussing how they need to kill Bob in the most Satanic way possible, another cult member shows up’s Ivy. 


    Ally is now describing a dream sequence of hers to Dr. Vincent, in which she discovers holes in her neck with various bugs crawling out of them. While this dream was occurring, Ally scratched herself raw. Her dream, as Dr. Vincent explains, is representative of the metaphorical holes in her life, prominently the fresh hole created when Ivy and Ozzy left her. While discussing her trypophobia (fear of holes), she brings up her longing for Oz and Ivy to be in her life again. Ally is incredibly angry at herself because of the whole situation with Winter. We’ve all seen the paranoia that Ally deals with day in and day out, and dealing with that all by herself cannot be easy. Although she was promised police protection, she claims that she barely gets any. Ivy has frozen all their credit cards, and Ally mentions that the whole situation feels premeditated…

     Dr. Vincent brings up a very relevant question to Ally regarding whether or not she felt if their relationship was flimsy. We see a flashback to September of last year wherein Ally is trying to be intimate with Ivy, but Ivy is so caught up in their finances and restaurant that she doesn’t even recognize her efforts. Cutting back to present day, Ally is only allowed supervised visits with Oz in which Ally tries really hard to make a connection only to fail miserably because he isn’t willing to meet her halfway. 

    Ivy is driving in the car while talking to Oz when it’s revealed that her and Winter are driving together. According to Ivy, Oz has been asking if Winter is going to be his third mom. Winter apologizes that Oz had to be the one to find the video, frankly stating that it had to work out that way. I mean, I knew it was planned ahead of time, but I didn’t know Ivy was in on the whole thing, too. I must say that she did a very good job of acting genuinely hurt and surprised when she found the video. Winter warns Ivy that radical action is going to occur in the near future, and Ivy say she’s prepared for it. 

     Once gathered, the cult goes over the game plan for killing Bob, which is essentially to simply chant “Ave Satanas” when they’re about to kill him. RJ, Beverly’s cameraman, is going to record this in order to provide some news footage to shock the public with. 

     Everyone sneaks into Bob’s houses sporting their respective costumes and masks and beats up Bob. Before Bob dies, he tells them that there’s a gimp in his attic that he has to take care of. Upon further inspection, this gimp is hung up by hooks in his skin and has a mask over his face that prohibits his vision and hearing. Harrison votes on killing the gimp, but RJ doesn’t understand why they can’t just let him free. Typical RJ, always questioning the cult’s ideas. Kai bluntly states, “We don’t take votes.” and kills the gimp by stabbing him. While all of this crazy shit is going down, Ivy is having a hard time handling it. Winter consoles her in the bathroom while the cult members take turns mercilessly stabbing Bob. Beverly tells RJ to take the camera off of her as she removes her mask to give Bob one last look at the bad bitch who killed him. She says, “Ave Satanas, motherfucker!” before plunging an axe right into his dead. Damn, Bev! 


     Beverly reports the ordeal, accompanying her “upsetting news” about Bob with the horrifying video RJ shot. Later on, Kai and Beverly are enjoying a cup of coffee at The Butchery on Main and discussing how Bob’s murder played out. While Beverly complains about Ivy’s weakness displayed during the situation, Kai gives her some leeway because it was her first time experiencing an event such as this. Kai also divulges to her that she was the only one who truly impressed him during Bob’s homicide. 

     Beverly suggests removing the weak link of the group in order to make all of them stronger as a whole, not so subtly referencing to RJ as their weakest link. As if his constant bitching and refusal wasn’t enough to key viewers in, a flashback illustrates just how inessential RJ is to the cult. When orchestrating Rosie’s murder with the coffins, RJ complains about the weight of the coffins and dismisses Beverly’s concern about the spacing of the two coffins. In this flashback, Winter also says that Kai is just leaving Vincent’s office? I knew he had some connection with the cult! After Rosie and her husband are left in the coffins, Meadow and RJ are concerned and want to let them out as well. Back to reality, Beverly explains that RJ’s weaknesses are cancer and that he needs to be cut out of the group. Due to all the crimes the cult has committed, however, I cannot imagine his descent from the group can pleasant.


     Back to Ally’s usual anxious antics, we see that she’s taken up spying on Harrison from across the street with Oz’s telescope as a hobby?! Honestly, this further showcases how grandiose and extra she is. Honey, I’m sure Oz has a pair of binoculars somewhere. Harrison is carrying a shovel around the house, which piques Ally’s interest. She takes her snooping to the next level by walking across the street with a bat in her hand. Once in the Wilton’s backyard, she sees Meadow in a ditch and Meadow mutters, “Help me.”

     Instead of being a helpful neighbor and an admirable person, Ally runs into her house and goes on complete lockdown mode. She dials 911, but apparently, the volume of calls is too high for her to be instantly connected to an operator. Instead of waiting, Ally calls Ivy and explains the current situation about Meadow being in a ditch. Ivy can’t deal with her shit and just tells her to call the police when suddenly there’s a harsh knocking on her door. Ally is afraid it’s Harrison or Detective Samuels, but she discovers it’s Meadow, who has somehow crawled her way out of the ditch and is pleading for help. Meadow tells Ally, “It’s a cult! Everyone is in it. The police, my husband, your babysitter, your WIFE!” This information hits Ally really hard, especially because Ivy is still on the line. However, Ally refuses to be a rational human being and just let Meadow in. C’mon, Ally! Meadow is dragged away by someone who is not shown, but is most likely Harrison.
    Back in the cult meeting, Winter has done a poll about the race for city councilman and Kai is up ten points! While this leap is impressive, Kai mentions that he still feels resistance from certain members of the group. The cult takes a field trip to Kai’s basement where RJ is tied up in a chair with a ball gag in his mouth. Kai explains that RJ needs to be eliminated from the cult and that they are going to do this by taking turns shooting him in the head with a nail gun. Despite some initial resistance from the cult, they realize he would snitch on them come to a mutual agreement to kill him.

    Kai forces Ivy to go first in order to prove her fidelity to the cult. She struggles a lot with it, but we see a huge weight lifted off of her shoulders after she shoots him. After everyone takes their turn in this sick game, Kai finishes RJ off in one of the most disturbing AHS scenes we’ve seen so far.


     In the last scene of this incredible episode, Beverly and Kai share a “pinky meeting”. Kai starts off the conversation by asking Beverly what she’s most afraid of, but Beverly uses her alluring ways in order to have Kai open up about his parents. 


    Kai says that his parents died three years ago and that his dad was paralyzed in a motorcycling accident. Through a dialogue with him and his father, it is revealed to us that Kai obtained a degree in religious studies, and it probably wasn’t at Yale as he’d previously claimed to Bev. Kai and his father share a rocky relationship, and unsurprisingly his dad’s also a dick to Kai’s mom. One day, Kai is in the basement surfing Reddit when he hears a gunshot. He runs upstairs to see his father bleeding from the abdomen and just in time to watch his mom swallow a bullet.

     Kai isn’t sure what to do amongst this murder-suicide shit show, so he consults his brother for help. We see Dr. Vincent come into the crime scene! I knew him and Kai were connected, I just knew it! Due to the fact that they would lose a lot of money due to the death tax and cannot afford to because one of their siblings just started college at Vassar (ring any bells?), Dr. Vincent suggests a rather morbid idea. Dr. Vincent and Kai put their parents’ corpses in their bed and cover them in lye to prevent them from smelling, letting them naturally decompose over time. Kai and his brother share an agreement to this plan through locking their pinkies, a common practice displayed throughout this season. A couple months later, we see their sister, Winter come home from college and become angered and mortified due to what happened to her parents.

    Kai explains that to this day he still visits his mother to pay his respects and show his love. Conversely, he visits his father to tell him that he hates him and that he derives pleasure in watching him literally decay into nothingness. Returning to present day, Kai is crying at his table, and Beverly stands up and puts a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. The episode ends.



     I cannot believe how well done this episode was. Wow! Just when I think Cult has reached its peak, it tops new heights each week. This episode was so dark and so intriguing. I loved seeing Kai’s backstory, but am very concerned that Beverly will use Kai’s vulnerability in order to overthrow him. I love that everyone’s identities have been revealed; their masks are quite frightening and knowing who is behind the mask makes it all the more interesting. Next week’s episode is called “Midwestern Assassin”, and has apparently been edited due to one of the scenes hitting a little too close to home with the tragedy that befell the concert-goers of Las Vegas. According to Murphy, the unedited episode will be released and available on streaming platforms and on demand. I am not sure what episode I will cover for next week, but I am leaning towards the unedited one. Murphy mentioned that this scene was specifically designed to serve as an anti-gun violence statement, which would fit right into with the satirical nature of this season.

Thanks for reading,

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Jonah Raleigh

Though much too modest to admit it himself, Jonah is perhaps the world's preeminent AHS expert. He loves talking film & television, building his fledgling vinyl and Blu-Ray collection, & having far too many coffee drinks. Jonah can often be found binge watching shows with his handsome one-eyed ocicat, Irving.

AHS Cult S07xE04 | 11/9

I was extremely impressed with last week’s episode, Neighbors from Hell. The season appears to be upping the ante and topping new heights when it comes to quality throughout each episodes. Here’s hoping “11/9” continues to follow and build upon its preceding episodes. After my first runthrough of the episode, it became apparent that John J. Gray decided to separate this episode into three equally astounding sections, with a brief preface occurring at the beginning. Therefore, my recap will be following this formulaic approach. Without further ado, let’s delve right into the recap!


Director: Gweneth Horder-PaytonWriter: John J. Gray

Election Night 2016

   The episode begins by taking us back to the notorious election of 2016, where all of the main characters of our show conveniently live in a close enough radius to have the same voting station. Our girl, Beverly Hope, is doing some coverage of the race when we see everyone’s favorite bitch, Emma Roberts, walk up. She is a fellow newswoman named Serena, and of course, she is incredibly mean. It seems to me that Emma Roberts has been typecast as “the bitch," at least in Murphy’s projects. She’s played a cruel person in all of her AHS roles and also had a two season stint of Murphy’s Scream Queens where she was a sorority diva. Serena and Beverly engage in some friendly name-calling and throw shade at one another eloquently.

    As we pan down the line, we see Ivy and Ally standing in the line preparing to cast their vote. Further down, Winter and her fellow dropouts and die-hard Hillary fans are shouting, “This pussy grabs back!” relentlessly. Harrison and Meadow are shown next, and Meadow comments that people should be able to pass a test in order to obtain voting rights. Me too, Meadow. Me too. Personally, Meadow thinks she’s equipped to vote for the Golden Globes or the Emmys, but she feels that she wouldn’t pass this aforementioned test.

    Finally, Ally and Ivy make it to the voting stands. Ivy briefs Ally on not making any protest votes or anything...mmhmm. That seemed to work out well for Ally. They begin to show everyone casting their votes, the highlights of this being Meadow writing in Oprah as our next president and Winter taking a selfie with her ballot. We also watch Ally debate between picking Jill Stein or Hillary. The ominous music that accompanies it really brings her internal struggle to life.

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    Kai now runs in and takes a familiar man with one arm to the voting station, yelling at everyone to let Gary through because he needs to cast his vote. Ivy ducks out really quickly once she sees him, but it’s not made clear why she does this just yet. This is the same man who was in the grocery store, sporting his “Make America Great Again” cap whilst Ally was bombarded with fornicating clowns on electric scooters. Gary is able to cast his vote, and he holds up his stub and declares, “Welcome to Trump’s America, motherfuckers!”

Part I: Harrison & Kai    

   It is now 11/9/2016, making sense of the title of this episode. Kai is at the gym when we see Harrison walk up and introduce himself as Kai’s personal trainer. Harrison explains his gratitude to Kai, as he had many clients drop him due to post-election economic paranoia. While they’re working out, Kai goes on a spiel about how he doesn’t like labels like “straight” or “gay” because they further separate people. He mentions that a man with no labels is a man who inhabits true allegiance.

   Their chat is interrupted by Harrison’s douchey boss Vinny who forces him to “clean up aisle four”, a euphemism for cleaning up the um...residue from men who pleasure themselves in the stream room. Kai thinks that it’s absolutely humiliating that Harrison’s boss makes him do this simply because he’s gay. While Harrison is cleaning up the steam room, the door closes and the infamous smiley face we have all come to fear appears on the door.

    Back at the old Wilton household, Meadow is sitting on the couch drinking rosé while watching television. I don’t know if the characters in this show just really like rosé or if it’s supposed to signify something. Meadow is incredibly upset because their house is being foreclosed upon. Harrison argues with her and places the blame entirely on her shoulders due to the fact that she’s supposed to be the one who handles the bills.

   At work the next day, Vinnie says that Harrison needs to make Kai book more sessions or else he will be fired. I have really come to dislike this guy in the few minutes that I’ve known him. Harrison explains his predicament to Kai and Kai says that being “nowhere” or being out of a job is a great place to be because he can go anywhere from there. Kai is very adept at spreading hope and recruiting people to his cause in a subtle way.

   In the wake of another “clean up on aisle four” situation, Kai comes in and, while drawing the smiley face, empowers Harrison to get his life back.

    Harrison walks in on Vinny lifting weights and sprays him in the eyes with cleaning solvent. This causes Vinny to drop the weight on his shoulders. Kai is now in Harrison’s ear provoking him and Harrison pushes the weight down on Vinny’s shoulders and we hear a disgusting bone crunch. Kai congratulates him, saying that he changed his life and that he’s proud to call him a friend. Since Vinny didn’t die from that awful bone crunching noise after all, Harrison finishes off by bashing his head in with a weight.

    After the fact, Harrison is freaking out about all of this, but Kai has this shit covered. He uses Vinny’s phone to text all of the coworkers that he’ll be out of town due to an “emergency” and Kai hacks the computers and deletes the security footage. Kai somehow also knows that Vinny has no family. When Harrison questions Kai’s advanced level of knowledge about everyone’s lives, he responds by saying he’s been watching them for a long time. Kai says to Harrison that he’s going to wipe out everything he knows and build something bigger and better than he could ever imagine.

    Meadow is walking back to their dingy apartment and asks some random dudes for a hit and that she’ll have sex with them for it because she ran out of Xanax. These men realize how pathetic she is and they just give her the entire joint. Winter walks into the bathroom and she sees Harrison decapitating Vinny while Kai is giving him a DIY tutorial on how to dispose of a dead body. Meadow exclaims, “Just when I think my life can’t get any worse…”

    She sees Kai in the corner of the bathroom and asks who he is. Harrison responds with, “Someone to believe in.”

Part II: Kai and Beverly

   We leap forward to December 2016 when we see Beverly and her news crew pull up to a landfill. Um, let me just say something. What “Michigan” are they in? If it was truly December in Michigan, this landfill would be devoured by snow, so much so that they would not be able to find this headless torso. I understand that this was filmed in Los Angeles, but as a resident of Michigan, I find it unrealistic that the landfill wouldn’t be entirely covered in snow.

    Beverly covers the headless torso, which presumably belongs to Vinny. However, she seems very chipper about this whole macabre and morose story. It is now revealed to us that she’s back after a month away due to a mental breakdown. Beverly says, “It’s great to be back”, and Kai rewinds it over and over while popping a couple Adderalls. He walks closer to the screen and we see his eyes gleam. It’s not hard to tell something about her intrigues him and we wants her to be part of his clown clique. Kai grabs his laptop and does some research about Beverly’s breakdown.

    While she was doing interviews and coverage, random people in the background would come in and yell, “Grab her right in the pussy!”, which is a clever combination of the viral news clip of a random bystander yelling and Trump’s “locker room talk”. After the third or so time it happens, Beverly uses her microphone as a weapon and threatens to grab the juvenile teens right in their pussies. As most things eventually become, Beverly’s breakdown was turned into a video remix.


   The video Kai is watching now transitions into a video of Serena covering personal details about Beverly’s mental health and which psychiatric facility she’s staying in. Due to the fake love Serena displays, you can tell this coverage was probably her idea, as most news stations would never cover something so confidential.

   Serena is now seducing Bob when Beverly walks in like the bad bitch that she is. Bob forces Bev to remove several minutes off of her important piece about Michigan’s ten most dangerous places to spare time for Serena’s wine tasting. Beverly then says the week's best line to Serena, “Sucking dick is no way to build a career, sweetheart.”  On her way out, she slashes Serena’s tires, but Kai appears and gives her some helpful DIY tips regarding how to efficiently slash tires. Kai is really just the DIY king.

   He takes Beverly out for a cup of coffee at The Butchery on Main, giving her a lecture about the importance of fear in an attempt to recruit her into his group. He introduces himself, divulging to the audience for the first time that he is a Yale graduate with a double degree in political science and women’s studies. Winter also mentioned she was studying women’s studies in Episode 1, but she studied at Vassar. Oh, and Kai also graduated in three years, as if the other credentials weren’t impressive enough.  Kai also mentions his interest in being on the city council. Beverly tells him it’s full, but the murder of Councilman Chang makes sense, and was most likely premeditated in this moment. Beverly describes her rage as wanting to be the last one on Earth merely so she can watch everyone else die. She has a dark side that’s finally being revealed.

   We now cut to Serena at a puppy jamboree in Brookfield Heights, which is the city in Michigan where all of this is taking place. Maybe they told us about this already, but it’s news to me. While Serena is recording, a group of three clowns appear. She says something sassy and sarcastic about the clowns and the three of them stab her and the cameraman alone. Honestly, thank god the puppy was okay.

   Meadow is showing Kai some clown masks when Beverly runs down to his basement and asks him if he had anything to do with it. Kai admits to it, and I am beginning to believe that the three clowns were Meadow, Harrison, and Kai. At this point, Beverly finally believes in him, although she said she wouldn’t earlier. We are now taken to Beverly, who is in charge of all the coverage in lieu of Serena’s murder. She is talking about finding a severed head that is assumed to belong to Vinny. However, she has a specific confidence in her, the kind that can only be conjured up through Kai’s alluring ways.

Part III: Ivy & Winter

   We are now transported to November 7th, 2016, the day before the election. Ivy is pushing Ally to go to a rally with her in order to solidify Hillary’s win as much as possible. However, Ally can’t picture a world where Trump is going to win the election, so she foregoes the event.

   When Ivy arrives, she engages in a fight with Chaz Bono, who has two hands at that moment in time. It escalates by him sexually assaulting her. Winter intervenes and yells at him. When she calls the police he begins to run away. Winter chases him, but even though she is unable to catch him, she sees the Field’s Market logo on the side of his truck and begins to plot her revenge. Winter and Ivy go out for some food and get to know each other a little better. Ivy takes her to her restaurant and explains her internal disappointment of letting Gary get away with violating her. Together, her and Winter devise an amazing plan and I am living for it.

   At Field’s Market, it’s closing time and Gary spews more of his Trump bullshit to his coworker on her way out. While walking around the store, Gary finds Winter eerily standing in the aisle. She’s searching for tape in order to tie somebody up. Ivy comes behind Gary and tases his misogynistic, white-privileged ass. Winter punches him and prepares to tie him up. This scene is just too iconic.

   I absolutely love Winter and Ivy as a team. They are now in some dark basement and Gary is handcuffed and tied to a pole. They are leaving him there just in time for him to miss voting, which is so petty and I absolutely love it.

    When Winter returns home, Kai finds blood on her. He asks what it was from, and she responds by saying she hurt someone and it felt fucking fantastic. When she tells Kai more about it, he feels obligated to come and “help” Gary. Gary is giving him all these instructions about going to his grocery store and getting tools, but Kai simply hands him a saw and uses the power of politics to motivate him to use the saw. Gary goes all 127 Hours on his hand and Kai watches. The episode ends.


   Wow. Just wow. This episode was honestly so brilliant in every single way. I loved the concept of dividing the episode into three separate and crucial segments. Overall, I am absolutely in love with Kai’s character. Evan Peters is playing him to the hilt and it is my favorite role of his thus far. Even though I like Emma Roberts, I’m definitely not going to miss her typical bitchy character. I absolutely love Beverly’s dark side and Adina Porter’s performance as Bev. Overall, this episode was executed so masterfully and I am proud to say this season is shaping up to be a great one. 11/9 was by far my favorite episode of the last three seasons. Let’s hope next week's episode, “Holes," continue to help the season strive and possibly explains Ally’s hatred of holes to us!

Jonah Raleigh

Though much too modest to admit it himself, Jonah is perhaps the world's preeminent AHS expert. He loves talking film & television, building his fledgling vinyl and Blu-Ray collection, & having far too many coffee drinks. Jonah can often be found binge watching shows with his handsome one-eyed ocicat, Irving.

AHS Cult S07xE03 | Neighbors From Hell

     Thanks to my trusty pal IMDB, I was able to discover before watching this week’s episode that James Wong had written “Neighbors from Hell”. Wong is certainly no stranger to the American Horror Story realm, as he has produced and written multiple episodes. Some of his writing credits on the show include one of my favorite episodes, entitled “Orphans” from Freak Show. Which shows that Pepper’s role in Fräulein Elsa’s Cabinet of Curiosities was ultimately a prelude to her time spent at Briarcliff, and divulges the true story of how Pepper ended up in the Asylum. Needless to say, I had quite high hopes for this episode after discovering James Wong was at the helm of it. I am hoping that this episode lived up to my expectations, and more importantly, continues to increase in quality as we move forward with the craziness that’s emerged thus far.

Neighbors From Hell

Director: Gweneth Horder-Payton

Writers: James Wong

     The episode begins with a narration of a person unbeknownst to us, describing her fear to us. She explains that her fear is always the same...she lies down in bed, her husband Mark will kiss her, and the whole world will go black. She feels as though she is in a coffin and is unable to get out. This woman explains that one night her husband kissed her and it felt like she was lying in a bed of daisies. We now return to reality, and it turns out this woman who was describing her fear is named Rosie, one of Dr. Vincent’s patients. She suffered from a condition called feretrophobia, or the fear of caskets and being buried alive. The origin of this fear was being locked in a cabinet by her father as a young girl. After her father’s death, she explains, she felt liberated and was able to conquer her fear with the help of Dr. Vincent. He congratulates her whilst giving her a very strange look that unsettled me...I think something is up with this man and I don’t like it very much.

    Rosie and Mark return to their house, and Mark goes in a separate room in order to prepare a surprise for her. When he doesn’t respond in a while, Rosie investigates the situation. Much to her dismay, she finds a group of killer clowns restraining Mark and placing him in a white coffin with red lining...there is one for her too. They are both drilled into these coffins and we see the red smiley face once more as the title sequence plays.

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     We see Ally in her house, moments after the Pedro incident. She is joined by Ivy and Detective Samuels. Ally expresses her concern that she is going to be sent to jail, but Detective Samuels explains that Michigan has a “stand your ground” law that allows residents to shoot people that are trespassing on their property. Ivy attempts to comfort an inconsolable Ivy with the fact that it was dark out. Ally adds that there were clowns strewn about the house that were terrorizing here, citing Oz as a witness, but nobody is really buying it. 

    Detective Samuels explains that Pedro was already a person of interest for Roger’s murder from last week, and says that it would make sense that he would be at her house at night. Thankfully, he takes Ally’s gun just in case the District Attorney wants to press charges. Ally is still incredibly traumatized, as she nearly goes into cardiac arrest when the power merely turns back on. She is afraid that Oz will be scarred by the memory of her shooting Pedro, but little does she know that he and Winter have seen much worse on the “dark web.”

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    The following day, Ally and Ivy pull up to their restaurant to see a group of angry protestors holding up signs of Ally’s face and mercilessly chanting, “No justice, no peace!” repeatedly. Across the street, Beverly Hope (Adina Porter) is covering this footage on the news. What up, girl?

    Ally simply cannot go into her workplace after this, as she is already a major basket case to begin with. Her and Ivy switch seats and Ally drives home. Before she drives home, however, Kai appears right outside of her window. She is fearful at this point, but Kai appears to be very friendly to her. He commends her bravery in shooting Pedro and tells her to never apologize for protecting her family. He promises to control this mob for her and tells her to have a nice day. Obviously, this nice demeanor is laced with ulterior motives, but it does seem to help Ally relax for the time being. 

    Once she’s back at home, she enjoys a glass of rosé midday. Harrison and Meadow knock on the door wearing grandiose sombreros. They berate her for killing Pedro, explaining that the sombreros they’re wearing represent how Ally sees all Hispanic people. On top of this, Harrison is also angry because she misused the gun that he gave her when he is to blame for this. When they first met Ally and Ivy, Ivy explained how paranoid Ally was and yet, he decided to give her a gun. He asks her how it feels to exercise her white privilege with absolutely no impunity and they throw Taco Bell coupons at her, giving her an opportunity to wallow in her white appropriation of Hispanic culture.

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     Ally and Ivy are in their bedroom watching news footage about the protestors, as it segues into coverage of Rosie and Mark’s murder. Apparently, they were left in the coffins for a full week, their bodies in the early stages of decomposition. Ally hears an engine revving outside her window and she sees a giant truck spraying some kind of green chemical gas into the air. 

    The next morning, Ivy enjoys a cup of coffee and sees Ally staring blankly out into their yard. Upon closer investigation of the situation, there are at least thirty dead crows in their yard, presumably dead because of the aforementioned gas.

    Winter walks in and Ally is still pissed off about Winter abandoning her during her time of need. Ivy defends Winter, explaining that none of it was her fault and Ally agrees to forgive her and take her back on as their nanny. According to Winter, there was a man outside that she assumed was here to interview for a position as Oz’s babysitter. This bitch just says, “I hope it’s okay, I just let him in!” Okay? They migrate into the living room where they find a large naked man who is apparently here for an ad that was placed about horny lesbians. Ivy is threatening this dude, taking full advantage of FX’s newfound ability to say “fuck” on cable television. 

    After they are traumatized by this event, they discover the ad placed online about them, and find out that the ad says they prefer Caucasian people and that Latin lovers are strictly prohibited. Ally is convinced that Harrison and Ivy are behind this scheme. We now cut to a phone call of Dr. Vincent reading the ad and talking to Ally about the best plan of action. Ally keeps taking the ad down, but it’s coming back up in a slightly reworded format. During this phone call, there is a very subtle thing I noticed that could foreshadow big things for this season. I will be discussing it in the Afterthoughts section of this recap for those who are interested. Dr. Vincent suggests that they should have an emergency session and that Ally could possibly benefit from an inpatient facility. 

    Ally pulls up to the restaurant, and again she is completely surrounded by these protesters who clearly have nothing better to do. This time, they barricade her car and refuse to move. Kai appears from this large crowd and simply shouts, “Enough!” They magically back away from Ally’s car. Kai seems to be upholding this promise of protecting Ally, but I am just waiting for him to turn on her.

    Winter and Oz are in the house with his new pet, Mr. Guinea. As Ivy and Ally come into the room, they are immediately angered by his presence. On top of the fact that they all have a sensitivity to his fur, their biggest red flag is that Mr. Guinea is a cisnormative pet name. According to Winter, Mr. Guinea was a sort of peace offering given by Meadow. However, it is quite obvious that this was a ploy to turn Ozzie against Ally. As Ally tells Oz to say his goodbyes to Mr. Guinea, he dramatically says that he wishes he could say his goodbyes to Ally. I am living for Oz’s pettiness right now. 

    Ally calls the Wiltons, who are apparently hanging out with Dr. Samuels for some reason. Harrison tells her that they got Mr. Guinea because Oz needs a man in the house, as he’s drowning in estrogen and white privilege in the Mayfair-Richards household. Meadow hangs up on her. Right in the middle of, “That bitch hung up on me!”, the green gas truck is driving down the street again. Ally, the nonsensical person that she is, runs in front of the truck and screams a bunch of things. Sweetie, I don’t think they can hear you! The truck doesn’t stop and Ally dives head-first into the curb trying to dodge it. 

    We now cut to a very crucial scene in Cult, a meeting between Kai and Meadow. They perform the pinky ritual that has been very prevalent in the previous episodes, and Kai asks Meadow what she’s most afraid of. Meadow says that her biggest fear is that Sonja from Real Housewives has a drinking problem. Kai bitchslaps her in response to this bogus answer. Truly, her biggest fear is that Harrison is turning against her by befriending Detective Samuels. Seeing that Kai is now convening with Harrison and Meadow makes all the more sense to his plan. Instead of treating Ally poorly, he is winning her over through his ability to control the masses. Conversely, Harrison and Meadow are terrorizing her when they were incredibly sweet to her just last week. Oh, how the tables have turned. Kai says that if she wants to be somebody, then she has to make the world wrong.

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     Ally is having blood work done in order to determine what exactly the green gas substance was. She was sprayed by it in her feeble attempts to stop the truck. Ally agrees to let Ozzie keep Mr. Guinea, despite his cisnormative name. Once all three of them arrive home, they see the red smiley face painted on their door. Oz, like a stupid hoe, runs into the house. In his search for Mr. Guinea, he finds that he has been microwaved, and now more closely resembles the inside of a Hot Pocket than a guinea pig. Ally storms over to the Wiltons, assuming that they are behind this scheme. She punches Harrison directly in the face and threatens to kill Meadow, too. The Wiltons inform her that the red smiley face on their door signifies that they have been marked by the killer, despite Ally’s assumption that they drew it on the door.

    On their way out, Oz notices that the Wiltons have also been marked by the killer, but Ally decides not to tell them in order to maintain her passive-aggressive contempt towards them.

    Across the street, there are some men in masks spraying the green substance in the Mayfair-Richards’ yard. Ally interrogates them and she rips one of their masks off to reveal another mask: the red smiley-face. Damn, whoever is wearing those masks must be really warm and probably has trouble breathing. Ally falls to the ground in dramatic flair. 

    We now see a “pinky meeting” between Kai and Harrison. Kai asks him what his biggest regret in life was. Harrison responds by saying it was marrying Meadow. He then divulges to Kai that he wishes Meadow were dead.

    Ally, now with Detective Samuels, is attempting to explain the relevance and connection of the smiley faces and Mr. Guinea, placing the blame on the “neighbors from hell”. This explanation is interrupted by Oz gasping upstairs. Ivy and Ally go to his room and discover that a certain link has bothered him. They demand to see the link and it’s a video on “”, Oz’s favorite dark website, of Winter seducing Ally in the bathtub. Ivy is incredibly angered by this and bitchslaps Ally as a result. They have a huge fight over this, obviously, and Ozzie and Ivy leave Ally alone in the house. 

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    Across the street, Harrison is being questioned by the police. He’s very confused, as he was simply sleeping and rolled over to be covered in blood. They tell him he needs to calm down, and he replies by telling them they need to “calm up”. Harrison accuses Ally of being the killer and being up to some Gone Girl shit. It is now relayed to us that Meadow is missing, right after Harrison admitted to Kai that he wanted her dead. Harrison gets arrested, and Oz is in the house by himself again, looking quite mortified. Now, all three of them are in their house and stare up at a red smiley painted on the inside of their house. Uh oh…


     I am very pleased to say that this episode lived up to my expectations of it, and this season seems to be following the trend of gradually increasing quality through each episode. This episode delivered some very memorable quotes, alongside an interesting facade that Kai put up, and the revelation that Kai has now reigned in Harrison and Meadow to his cause. I have heard many theories that Ivy was simply gaslighting Ally and that she was going to turn on her, but after further inspection, I have conjured up another speculation about one of our characters.

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    I have a feeling that Dr. Vincent is in cahoots with the evil clowns. I know this may sound far-fetched, but trust me, it really isn’t. With the death of Rosie and Mark, the killer clowns used the exact fear of Rosie in order to kill them. This fear was something that Dr. Vincent knew in strict confidentiality and wasn’t just random information that could’ve been acquired on the street or online. This wouldn’t be the first time that Sarah Paulson confided in a sketchy psychiatrist...think back to Dr. Thredson (aka Bloody Face) in Asylum. The recurring symbol of this season is quite literally a bloody face, and the clowns use the fears that Dr. Vincent is aware of to prey on their victims. Like Dr. Thredson, Dr. Vincent has a layer of mystery to him that has yet to be revealed to us. He could very well be running the entire group of clowns. On top of this evidence, I also saw a very interesting thing that many people probably didn’t catch…

     While he is talking on the phone to Ally, he is simultaneously pushing around a bunch of buttons with smiley faces on them. This was very subtle, but it could very well serve as foreshadowing for the identity of the main clown killer. I thought this was a nice touch, and am super excited to see if the idea I conjured up is in fact valid.

Thanks for reading,


Jonah Raleigh

Though much too modest to admit it himself, Jonah is perhaps the world's preeminent AHS expert. He loves talking film & television, building his fledgling vinyl and Blu-Ray collection, & having far too many coffee drinks. Jonah can often be found binge watching shows with his handsome one-eyed ocicat, Irving.