Happy Halloween!!
Happy Halloween, errbody! I hope you are all enjoying the day I've often heard referred to as "the greatest day of the year and possibly of all days ever." This evening, Amy and I will be joined by friends to close out this year's "Horror Movie Fridays" with the 40th Anniversary Collector's Edition of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which will be awesome and disturbing and amazing.
In the spirit of Halloween & horror movies, I thought I would share some fun things I came across this morning whilst "working":
The Evil Dead
These fake Fisher Price Adventure People are fantastic. However, much like the fake McDonald's horror-themed happy meals that caused such an uproar for Ghost Hunters' Amy Bruni, I find myself sad that these don't actually exsist.
I don't know if anyone else out there is as excited for The Babadook as we are but, if you aren't, here is the trailer for you to watch and rewatch as many times as it takes for you to become excited.